
have had a very long week!!! Jay left for Atlanta early Tuesday morning. Luci immediately began missing him because she cried for two days straight! TWO WHOLE DAYS-ALL DAY AND NIGHT!!! I finally figured out that she has thrush and we got her some medicine.

On top of all that, we had Cooper's V-day party and John William's party and I did not even pick out valentines until Tuesday night around 6:00 p.m. So Mimi came over and helped with everyone so I could get that together. Miss Judy made great cookies and chocolate suckers for the boys classes!

Jay got home on Thursday night just in time for her to begin coughing and running fever!! She sounds so sad!! Even though she has a cough and cold, she was sweet last night for Jay! She snuggled up in his arms as soon as he came through the door. She is learning where her bread is buttered!! We are all glad he is home!!