Friday, April 11, 2008

Dressing up!!!

Luci is already wanting to play dress up. She will come in the den with clothes from her clothes basket and try to put them on over her clothes. It is so funny. The other day she was running around in her diaper (or so I thought) and when I went to look for her, this is what I found. She got the dress on all by herself and her panties....except they are on her arm. But an "A" for effort!
She knows they go over her feet, just trying to figure it out!
The dress is inside out and she only got one arm in, but that was the way she wanted to wear it and threw a fit when I tried to take it off of her!!
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Luci and SheShe

This is Luci and one of her favorite people, Sheila or SheShe as we all call her. Reminds me of Lady and the Tramp, but..... which one is the Lady and which one is the Tramp!
Luci is saying "Give me that candy!"
That look says, 'get this off my head'!!
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The Wackadoo Zoo

John William's 1st grade had a play this week called the Wackadoo Zoo. He was a monkey that "HeeHaw" like a donkey! It was so cute and he had a speaking part!
The monkeys and lions on stage!
A few real life monkeys!!

Actors always know how to pose for pictures!
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Visiting Sista Puddin

Anna Walton and her mom.
Sweet Anna Walton-I still say she looks like my Daddy, her namesake.
Ok, so this cracks me up!! Anna Walton was having no part of this picture stuff. And look at Luci's face-she's like "I did not do it!"
And that's it! No more pictures!
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Treats for his sweets...

This is what I found going on int he kitchen floor one day. I think it is so interesting that John William will share ANYTHING with Luci and NOTHING with Cooper. She has him totally wrapped!
And of course she loves him too. She calls him "Bop". Not sure where that came from, but that is what she calls him still.
Sitting in the floor sharing ice cream!
How sweet is this!
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Have bike, will travel.....

So this is Cooper's old trike, but Luci has taken it over. She can't work the pedals yet, but the boys will push her on it and she loves it!!
Climbing on! She also loves Cooper's old motorized tractor. She will get on it and we stand beside with a stick and push the pedal and she will ride forever like that!!
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The climber

My mother says I was a climber so I guess Luci gets it naturally. She climbs on everything, into anything and can find a way to get whatever she wants by climbing to it!
So proud of herself...
She also has no fear, will stand up in anything and on anything!
Silly Luci waiting to go for a ride! She loves to ride in the wagon and wil lcimb in it whenver she can!
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Sweet Luci and Daddy
The family
The knuckle heads
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Easter morning arrived and the kids could not wait to get bundled up and hunt eggs.
Mostly the boys were excited, Luci was just excited to be outside with the dogs! She really loves the outdoors and has learned how to open our den doors and get outside. We have to keep all the doors locked to keep her in. She will be half way to the barn before we know it!
I made the mistake of actually hiding all the eggs we had-which turned out to be around 90!
Cooper found the Gold egg(John William found the silver one). They were so excited because they had money in them, although John William was disappointed that it was NOT $100. That seems to be his magic number.
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