My brother and his wife had their new baby, Anna Walton christened on Sunday, May 20th. Taking after her big sister, she was very sweet during church. Luci, of course, started "talking" mother, like daughter. Stafford, Les and Anna Walton.
We had a couples baby shower for Dana and Justin George. She is due on June 18th to have Luci's new BFF-Anna Patton George. The cute couple and their new stroller!! Justin's dad is a pro at folding it up!!! Wonder what Anna Patton is going to look like? Dana "let" Justin open a few gifts!!!
Leigh & Ben Edwards...and baby Dana & LD When the three of us got together at Christmas, we were all pregnant at once!! And the men consumed alot of alcohol!!!! At that time, we looked like Small (Leigh), Medium (Dana) and guess where I fit in at 39 weeks pregnant!!!
Yes....there she is!!! And she is 50!! We had a fun littl ecookout at our lake house for Les' birthday last weekend. We decorated her all up!!! Mimi and her boys!! The Hoochy Mommas!!! Mimi and Papaw
We got Luci a Baby Bumbo that she loves! She loves being able to sit up and see everything! The Bumbo is the best thing since sliced bread!!! She loves having her picture taken! Just hanging out!! We have been feeding her a little bit of baby food. I just started trying the spoon-she tries to grab it. Miss Independent already!!
Luci is so much fun right now. She rarely cries and when she does it is for a good reason-usually when she is hungry. For everyone who has older children, this innocent crying is sucha relief from the normal crying of the bigger ones who are mad they did not get their way!!
She really likes being able to look around at everything.
She wants to be able to grab her toes so bad! I caught this one while she was fussy one day. There is a sweet little tear on her cheek.