Sweet Little Luci! Luci turned 3 January 8th. We had a huge party at our church in the gym since it was so cold. Luci has become a big girl on so many levels. She is fully potty trained and will hold full conversations with you. She is learning so much at school and tells me something new she learns everyday.

Cooper has loved kindergarten and is reading anything he can get his hands on. He has moved up to reading chapter books that are John William's. He lost his first few teeth since school began and loved having visits from the tooth fairy! Cooper played soccer this spring, but his real love is baseball. He played last year and this year it has all come together for him. He is doing so well!

Sweet John William-so big! Growing up so fast! He is doing so well at soccer and in school. This summer he will be a Prince in the Miss Mississippi Pageant-stay turned for more info on that! For Christmas he got an electric scooter, so he feels like he has a bit of freedom because we will let him ride around the neighborhood. He now thinks he needs a cell phone-NOT HAPPENING! He also has a "girlfriend"-WHATEVER!! That's not happening either! Especially if Luci has anything to say about it! She is still his little sweety!!

The kids have had a great school year so far and are looking forward to the summer! We have a few little things planned for summer. One bit of news is that the boys have their OWN rooms now. We moved John William into his own room! He loves it! Jay made the double closets into one smaller one and then built a desk and bookshelves for him!! (Believe it!!) It looks wonderful and he loves having his own room! Cooper does miss sharing a room, but he likes that he can sleep in either one of the twin beds that he wants to each night-so its a good trade off.

So many of you may remember that ten years ago, we were busy planning a wedding! Yes people-it has been TEN YEARS!! We have learned so much about each other-good and bad through these years. We have been through so many ups and downs, births, loss of loved ones, moves to old and new places-staying the same, yet growing into who we are as we constantly change from day to day. I am thankful for my family and my husband! He is the best thing that ever happened to me then and still is now!
We are headed to New York on April 27th to celebrate this milestone!! We are so excited about making this new memory and many more to come together!
I do keep promising myself I will be better about blogging-we just always get so busy!! But I will try!
I will definitely post pics and a full update of the trip when we return!!