Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's a trip they called a vacation

I am sure everyone has heard that saying about, it's a trip when you take your whole family and a vacation when you go by yourselves.....well, i can say I agree. We went to Sandestin the first week of June with.......1. my mother 2. my aunt 3. my sister in law and her two girls three kids and 5. a babysitter. So yes, that's a grand total of 5 children and 5 adults. It was fun but a little crazy!! The kids loved it and had no idea how stressed we were most of the time. There was some down time for the adults at night when the kids were all tuckered out!
Every night we walked over to the village and enjoyed all the activities. The kids would play onthe playground or do something fun and we of course could enjoy a cold adult beverage while we wacthed them play! It was fun!!
These two loved the double stroller. They mostly loved being next to each other and talking. It was too funny to listen to them!
Look how sweet they look asleep. These two love each other!!
There was a coconut tree climb at the village every night. They put you in a harness and you climbed the coconut tree. John William and Mary Stafford wanted to do it. I only put the picture of Mary Stafford because I oculd actually get one of her. John William was like a monkey and went up the tree so fast that I couldn't snap one of him. Mary Stafford on the other hand had a bit of a hard time. As you can see, she only made it to about shoulder level with us. It was so funny!
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