Our dear friends Patrick Smith and Kristi Pantin Smith got married this summer in California and had a huge reception in Vicksburg in September. Jay and i had a great time. This is a picture from the beginning of the night! I will not show you what I looked like at the end of the night because it was SO humid, i might as well have not even done anything to my hair. Plus,(and I'm not even kidding)I fell off the porch steps flat on my knees. And this was at the beginning of the party so everyone was sober-including me-so it won't be forgotten. I had bloody knees and an even more bruised ego!!!!But it was so fun!!
Luci is big into dress up these days-and sometimes, she gets a little confused as to how it all works. But hey, she's got FLARE! Or maybe it's attitude-probably both! This is what she came out of her room wearing one day-I am serious, she said " i did it all by myself"...to which I replied, "Yes you did."
This is Cooper on Halloween this year. He was "Bakugan Dan". If you have boys between 4-7, you know what a Bakugan is. If you don't know, let me tell you about this waste of $8.64. These are plastic balls, that you drop on the ground and they break open into this....thing, I dont know what the hell it is. But Cooper has about 20 of them already. He's obsessed. Its RE-DONK-U-LOUS! And appearantly there is a "person" that goes along with these stupid balls. And he must be stuck an 80's time warp because Cooper's outfit was so taken me back! Fingerless gloves and all!!
Sweet John William this summer at a birthday party. He mostly spent the day at this birthday party taking care of his little sister!! It was July...at like NOON...and a freaking petting zoo....oh and did I mention in the DELTA!! So it was HOT, HUMID, SMELLY and SWARMING MOSQUITOS. So, why do you ask was he taking care of his little sister? Because Momma was in the house enjoying the sweet air!