First of all, there is a big change in our lives as of recently...I am a working woman now!! At the beginning of this September, I went back to work after almost 5 years!! And you know what....I LOVE IT!! I forgot how much I enjoyed working! I am working for a great attorney in Vicksburg who keeps me extremely busy!! There are days when I pick up Luci that she says "Momma, I want to go home with you.." and it makes me sad to drop her off at daycare, but she quickly forgets me as soon as she makes it through the door! (And if you ask her why I go to work, she will say "to buy me clothes" ....and I am not even kidding!
For Halloween, Luci was Tinkerbell and when I say we are getting our moneys worth out of that costume, you have no idea!! She wears it 24/7-she would wear it to school if I let her.(Of course, by the time we got ready to check out, with the costume, pink leotard, pink stockings, slippers, AND tinkerbells wand-it was like $50 bucks!! Jay was not real happy! Actually, I think his words where "really, i mean you're kidding right?" to the checker at wal mart-he quickly could tell by her blank expression, That she was not!)
And for those of you out there, Luci still does NOT have any blue jeans yet.
John William is almost as tall as me and in the 3rd grade this year! He is the sweetest child!! He is learning this year that school is actually hard-and that you actually have to study!! Surpise, surprise!! But he still made A-B honor roll and is doing great!! One big thing for him this year, was that he got to go out for 3rd and 4th grade football. In the picture below, his hair is hanging out of his helmet like Rikki Williams-but he has had a haircut since then!! He did so well and even got his hands on the ball a few times! He (of course) is still playing soccer and doing so well at that-obviously he has his dad's genes for those of you who know how big of an "athlete" i was!
Third grade also meant another new development-GIRLS!! And i don't mean in a "yuck-GIRLS-go away" kind of sense, I mean, GGGGIIIIRRLLLLZZZZ!!!!! Yep....I am not too happy about that! He said his second grade teacher told them them last year that you aren't allowed to have girlfriends or boyfriends in 2nd grade, so he was gonna "get him one" this year. I will keep everyone posted on how that goes!
Cooper is a Kindergarten-er now! And he is amazing!! Reading everything in sight-including John William's chapter books!! He is having the best time in his class!! He turned 6 in August and believe it or not, he finally gave up his pacifier! (I really thought that pacifier might end up hurting his dating life!!) We do still have Blu Baby, but he is not as appealing without his "pappy". Cooper is his usual funny self! On the third day of school, as I was driving him, he looked at me and said "Momma, kindergarten is such a waiste of time." I almost wrecked the car which he cut his eyes at me and said "I'm serious!".
This is both of them on the first day of school. They made these cute planters for their teachers-hey....who am i kidding, these are my kids, they got to SUCK UP as much as possible!! I'm just thankful for half of Jay's DNA!!
We stay so busy but I promise to update regularly and post tons of pictures from the last year!!
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