John William has always been on his on time schedule. He was two weeks late arriving-and I was ready to kill him and my doctor when he finally arrived. And after such a hard delivery my dreams of a large family dwindled! Knowing his little personality now, I am not surprised he showed up on his own time line. John William has always-from day one- had no fear. He has never had reservations about going somewhere, or with someone. He never fussed when Jay and I would leave him with the grandparents or at daycare. He always just walked right in and acted like he owned the place. John William has the most independent spirit about him. I think he knew he had to make an impression on all of us right out of the starting gate since he was such a surprise to begin with.....YES, he was a huge surprise. Jay and I had not been married very long when we found out I was pregnant. Obviously, we were in shock! He was a honeymoon baby but regardless, we were so happy! Since I was adopted, I can remember when it first hit me that he would be the first person I knew that was actually related to me. He was the first person that I could look at and say ‘those are MY eyes’. It was the most incredible feeling. I loved my parents and brother, but I think when you’re adopted you always have a sense being a little different. My looks were very different than my family’s (and Lord knows I defiantly didn’t behave like them...). Don’t get me wrong, I was not un-loved at all- I was very lucky. But there was just something about holding John William and saying “He is truly part of me.”
John William loved to snuggle when he was a baby and toddler. Even to this day, he will snuggle with me and nowadays he is almost as tall as me and weighs 85 lbs. He promises me he will "always kiss me on the lips, even when he's old.... like 30 and married and has a cell phone."-which is the order I tell him that will all happen. He was so excited last year when he started 3rd grade because he said in 3rd grade you could get a girlfriend. His second grade teacher said 2nd graders weren't allowed to have girlfriends-I loved it! And yes, John William is starting to the love the ladies! My mom always said "He's such a lover!"
...Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls. ~Anne Frank
When John William was a toddler, like most little delta boys, he was obsessed with tractors! He would shout "Tractor!!!!" when he saw them. My daddy would come and get him and ride him on the big tractors. He loved it. He would fuss when he had to get off. One time, daddy took him to the field with him and he climbed into the cab with one of the "field hands" and rode for several hours with him-not knowing that man from Adam-he didn't care as long as he was on a tractor. I am so glad that John William has memories of my daddy. He still talks about Bubbs every now and then.
.....Don't wait to make your son a great man - make him a great boy. ~Author Unknown
When John William smiles, he sparkles! His little eyes twinkle and his smile can light up a room. He has the sweetest spirit of anyone I know. He loves his little sister and will protect his little brother from anyone that messes with him-ever heard that saying "He might be an idiot, but he's my idiot!!!!"-that’s John William and Cooper. I worry that we put too much pressure on him to do right and lead the way since he is the oldest. But then he will do something so wonderful for his siblings or something so responsible for me and it makes me so proud of him. He is growing so fast and I can’t believe that he has already been in our lives for 9 years and even more unbelievable is that in 9 more years, he will be gone. It is truly amazing that the time has flown b from a sweet little surprise to the young man he is becoming. I just hope I can let him go when it’s time!
......There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings. ~Hodding Carter, Jr.
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