We ate at so many wonderful restaurants while we were there! One of our favorites was Peter Luger’s which is a wonderful steak house in Brooklyn. Very old school-reminded me of the movie “Goodfella’s”-I was waiting for Robert Deniro to come walking in at any moment. The steak was huge and wonderful! If you ever have a chance to eat there, defiantly worth it! The restaraunt has such an interesting story. We had such a neat experience there! And it turned out that the people in NYC aren't as rude as you hear. Jay actually left his cell phone in the cab we took on the way to Brooklyn, and our waiter gave us his cell phone to call and try to track it down. Low and behold , the cabby answered it and brought it back "across the river" to us-for a small fee! But we really were pleaseantly surprised byt he charm we experience.
Pizza at Lombardi's-YUM!
Another favorite place we ate was at Lombardi’s. It was in Soho on Spring Street and I wish with all the time we spent walking in the WRONG direction that I had been looking at all the fabulous shops. We walked all the way to the end of Spring street in the wrong direction before we realized we had gone the wrong way. There were some amazing places to shop, but we were trying to get to lunch and a Yankee’s Game. Our friend from Boston, Hunt Boa traded in his Red Sox hat to come along with us to the game. We had the best time at the game. And the tickets were not that expensive-around $20 each....but the beer was around $10 each so you can imagine that it turned out to be an expensive day after all-but well worth it!
We couldn’t go to New York without seeing a show. We were back and forth about if we should go at all and what to go see. We decided to see Mama Mia! and it was fabulous! That was one of the ones I had not seen growing up going to the Orpheum in Memphis with my mom- so Jay and I really enjoyed it!
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